Here are patches
I wrote with Max/Msp for different uses. These programs
are donationware (
I would be happy if you send a contribution, if you like the
applications and if you use it.
applications run as standalones or under Max/MSP Runtime, you can
download it for free
Cycling74 -
pyrolators Max/Msp-patches
audiotomidi 1.1
The application audotomidi converts 2 monophonic audio-signals (microphone or line-signals) in MIDI, which can be send to any DAW. The program is optimized to use with Ableton Live on a MacBookPro.
Analyzer~ object version 1.3.1 by Tristan Jehan
copyright © 2001 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Pitch tracker based on Miller Puckette's fiddle~
copyright © 1997-1999 Music Department UCSD
(for Max4, documentation is in german)
tenori-on helper 0.96
The Tenori-On is
a great instrument.
But if you like to use it with your Ableton Live, you need a few more
1. A
Midi-Clock, which is more exact.
2. A Layer, which can generate velocity and controller-messages to
modulate a synthesizer.
3. A Layer which controls the Ableton Live like a remote-control.
This is the reason, why I made the "tenori-on helper".
(for Max4, documentation is in english)
brontologik4 (version 4.1 beta22)
a composing system (made for ableton live), including:
6 layer sending
midi data (pitch, velocity and 2 controller)
1 layer starting clips in ableton live
8 variations each layer
8 modes (for each layer) to manipulate and arrange pitch, velocity,
controller, scales, transpose, key, pattern length, randomness and
probability of playing. load and save single pattern or complete data
you need:
- a monome 256 (
- monome serial
prefix /bronto
- a fast computer (mac)
I am running it
on a Intel 2.2 (MacbookPo) and it takes 3 Minutes to load…
On my G5 it takes over 10 minutes to load, no fun…….
- max/msp5 runtime
- synthesizer or a DAW
written for using it with ableton live, but also might be well working with external synths.
(for max5,
documentation is in english)
der drücker 2.0
I thought it would be nice to would have an API-style-10-band EQ with a compressor for each of the bands - that´s what it is..... (made for MaxForLive)
The Update also features a Limiter at the end of the chain, and visible gain-reduction for each band.
der schnapper
API-style-10-band-EQ with a compressor for each band. Same same but different: like "der drücker" only this time a more transient influencing tool for a more snappy sound. (made for MaxForLive)